Discover just why MUST is one of the leading universities in Malaysia. From our award winning staff to our unique teaching pedagogy, MUST is truly equipped to be the university of choice for students who are looking to make a brighter future.
In 1995, the then Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad and a delegation from Malaysia made a working visit to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and endorsed the establishment of university modelled after MIT. An agreement was signed in January 1997 to establish the Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST).
In its formative years, MUST was fully assisted and supported by MIT, a world-renowned university noted for its education and research in advanced science and technology.
MUST emulated MIT’s method of teaching and learning which encourages creativity, analytical thinking, problem-solving, innovation and team-building. These are qualities that have been proven to be successful in producing entrepreneurial leadership in science, technology, business and management.
MUST also nurtures a research-driven culture in all fields of expertise to ensure depth of understanding and confidence in facing practical problem. The MIT model has been the impetus of the MUST culture that is vibrant, innovative and purposive to our local environment.
Over the past 18years, MUST has constantly strived to form meaningful partnership with various institutes of higher learning to ultimately benefit both students and academicians who have graced the hallways of our outstanding university. It gives us great pride to be global partners with these esteemed institutes and universities and we look forward to sharing the knowledge with everyone who is a part of MUST.
Blending learning inside and outside the classroom Flipped learning reverses the traditional classroom approach to teaching and learning. It moves direct instruction into the learner’s own space. The classroom becomes a space for dynamic, interactive learning where the teacher guides and coaches students to apply concepts they have learned online.