Master of Research (MRES)
Welcome to the SSM Master of Research Program
At the Swiss School of Management, our goal is to stimulate your thirst for knowledge, build your confidence and provide you with innovative classes and timely material. We offer a great variety of academic and professional courses and programs. A successful career demands a solid foundation of knowledge, and that’s why we do not only effectively teach business fundamentals, but we go one step further to ensure your development as a person and a leader.
Our focus is to give students a real-life experience in the classroom. At SSM, you will simulate the real challenges faced by business leaders as you are called on to analyze data, develop alternatives, make and defend your recommendations, and execute. We succeed in this goal, both by using case studies and by having extraordinary international faculty members who enrich our courses with real-life experience, preparing you for the real-world better than any lecture-based program ever could.
Our programs contemplate company visits, guest lecturers and speakers from the industry or the field of study. Each course includes the interlinking of a leadership, ethical and entrepreneurial component that will allow candidates to turn concepts into decisions, knowledge into action and ideas into change, providing the opportunity to apply what you have learned in class to real life. In each class, we will open your mind to how the world really works, we will contribute to your professional appearance and behaviour.
Master of Research (MRes) degrees are innovative programs of studies, which are getting increasingly popular. In contrast to other Master’s programs, such as the Master of Science or Master of Arts, the Master of Research is focused on preparing students for doctoral research. The aim of the program is to qualify you for a career in research. There is a strong focus on scientific and academic skills. A research degree is an advanced program of study allowing you to investigate a topic relevant to your field of interest.
Swiss School of Management ́s MRes program provides you with a thorough basis for academic research in the fields of Economics and Business. The increasing sophistication of the practice of management and the rising complexity of global business generate demand for experts in management. We are looking for candidates that have a passion for research and have the ambition to become leading scholars in their field. You will have an opportunity to do in-depth study and research in the field that most interests you.
This Master’s will equip you with the necessary skills to undertake sustained, independent and innovative research. The program emphasizes a strong foundation in both methodological and theoretical training. Students analyze their topic at an advanced level, applying research methodology and techniques to contribute new knowledge to their field, under appropriate supervision.
You will gain the confidence to work in creative and flexible ways, and develop the ability to plan, produce and present rigorous, independent and theoretically informed studies. It also fosters the development of essential professional skills to enhance your employability, such as self- management, team work, problem solving and communication.
Within your research proposal, you are requested to provide evidence of your intellectual capability to undertake empirical research of scientific quality and value, which is defendable, robust, consistent and fully evidence-based. The Research Proposal is a transitory step from a Master’s to a doctoral level.
General Study Introduction
Duration of Program
The MRes program has a duration of 3 semesters (18 months), earning 90 ECTS.
Begin of Study
Enrolments are generally accepted throughout the year.
Entry Requirements
Completed bachelor’s degree (or equivalent), or a postgraduate degree with significant professional work experience.
Learning Structure
All courses are structured in modules, according to the Bologna reform. There are 8 compulsory taught modules within the first two semesters and the Master ́s Thesis in the third semester.
Mode of Study
The MRes program is based on a research-oriented, full-time and/or part-time study model. On site study, web-based-learning, blended learning are combined with work-based study supported by systemic coaching or supervised by faculty and teaching staff.
All modules include a test or examination. Advanced forms of examination, such as presentation, essay, portfolio, group discussion with assessment, etc. are possible.
Final Examination
The final examinations are held at the end of the program. They consist of oral and written examinations and include the Research Proposal.
Final Certification
Successful students will receive an MRes Certificate, a Diploma Supplement and an Academic Transcript.
Structure and Schedule
The Master of Research (MRes) program is in line with international standards of Postgraduate Education on the European Qualification Framework (EQF) level 7, and it fulfills the criteria of process harmonization of Higher Education within the European Union. The program awards successful students with 90 ECTS credits (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System).
- 40 ECTS credits by completion of 5 compulsory taught modules (8 ECTS credits per module)
- 32 ECTS credits by completion of 4 elective taught modules (8 ECTS credits per module)
- 18 ECTS credits by writing and presenting a Research Proposal plus Viva
Modules are delivered interactively and based on actual knowledge and research. The Master of Research will enhance your role in senior management, or prepare you for a career in academia. It is also a stepping stone to further research degrees, such as a PhD.
Each individual module is designed to provide in-depth subject knowledge, and it also contributes to a cross-functional understanding. The overall outcome of this program supports graduates in their career development through the combination of academic knowledge and essential research orientation on highest standards. Emphasis of the program is high impact on employability.
The program of studies is delivered as full-time or part-time modus, offering through intensive learning on weekend sessions as a blended learning concept (on-campus class, virtual class, e-learning, experiential learning). In addition to the formal contact hours, students will be expected to engage in independent studies during and between the different modules.
The MRes is considered as relevant, rich and academically valid through the adoption of high standards in Higher Education.

Quality Assurance on National Level of Further Education
SSM is a quality certified school aligned to the standard of Swiss Further Education by EduQua.
EduQua is the Swiss national quality assurance body and the first Swiss quality label geared towards adult continuing education. It is an accreditation body recognized and supported by the Swiss Confederate Government.
Certificate of Accreditation and excerpts from EduQua online database are displayed on the following pages.
Global Student Benefits
- Acknowledged University as part of European Qualification Framework
- Campus location in The Netherlands, Germany, Switzerland and Italy
- Latest academic knowledge with practice-orientation targeting Employability Impact
- Delivery by carefully selected national Partner Institutes making studies more affordable and accessible
- Part of a truly global student community
- International Graduation Ceremony
- Global Alumni Network